Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Unconscious Writing Exercise

I started this one last week, but have only finished it today. I had to write 10 minutes about anything at all, then cut out the phrases that stood out. I was then supposed to use them in some sort of writing exercise, which I did tonight. I don't know that I really like the result, but as its taking me a long time to get all these posts up here, I'm just going to share it and get on to the next task.

I'm starting to bore Myself
I'm being unfair - I'm only 27,
but I'm starting to bore myself.
I'm not in love.
Romantic with a capital 'R'.

Unrequited love is pretty good,
Stormy rocks,
Wordsworth or nothing.
But, a man who dashes himself
Stormy rocks,
Wouldn't fuck me, runs screaming.
Being in love is nice,
Above me.
Being in love is nice, even, above me.

I'm not in love.

Being in love is nice, even... 
Unrequited love is pretty good.


My own kids will be different.
That's if there ever is a...
I'll love my own kids. 
I'll be able to set all...
My own kids will be different,
I'll love my own kids.
I'll be able to set all,
I'll be able to set all,
I'll be able to set all the rules.
My own kids will be different, I'll love my own kids, I'll be able to set all the rules.

That's if there ever is a...

There's a cat in here.

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