Monday, April 30, 2012

More Irish Slang

I've thought of some more.

1) Bold. Means: Naughty. Particularly important for my last little boy that I looked after. 'I'm not being bold!' 'You are being bold.' 'I'm not being bold!' 'It is most definitely bold to knock your baby brother on the head with a plastic hammer.'

2) Cop on. Means: 'get your act together'! Or, 'stop being an idiot!' Often said by parents to their teenage children. 'Your mother and I have had enough of this bold behaviour, would you just cop on!'

3) Give out. Means: Got yelled at. As in, 'Who did the teacher give out to today?'

4) 'A ride'. Means: very attractive, and most likely good in bed. As in, 'Oh, goodness, that George Clooney is such a ride.' Can also be used just to describe how good a person was in bed. 'Did you sleep with him?' 'Yes, he was such a ride!'

5)  Mot. Means: A girlfriend. From the Irish, 'maith coleen' meaning, a 'good' girl.

6) Culchie. Means: a person from the countryside. But, kind of deregatory. Sort of like, 'Westie' in Australia, in terms of the sentiment, but with a rural tinge to it. So, its more about talking slow, being unfashionable, living with the cows and being innocent to the point of stupidity.

7) Desperate. Means: terrible or awful. 'Isn't that dress just desperate?'

8) Stop or, 'Oh, stop.' Normal meaning, but usually said in an affectionate or loving way. So, if someone is going on about something that is funny or ridiculous, you might say, 'Oh, stop', as in, 'I can't handle how amusing you are currently being.' Or, alternatively, if someone is telling you how dreadful they are as a human being, you might say, 'Oh, stop' and take their hand, as in, 'You're being so ridiculous, you're such a wonderful person and I think I love you.' When said right, this is probably my absolutely favourite Irish phrase. There is so much behind every 'stop'.

9) Good man/woman yourself. I love this one too! Basically means, 'good job!' 'I appreciate what you have done for me!' But, of course, it takes that sentiment one step further by making out that your good job means that you are a superior human being. Excellence.

10) Eejit. Of course, this is just 'idiot' but said in a fabulous Irish accent. Fabulous.

11) Fair play! But, even better, 'fair play to you!' Means: Well done. No, really, really, REALLY well done. Must be said in an admiring tone.

12) Feck off. I bet you can Irish tour guide tried to convince me that 'feck' was not actually a swear word, but just the word that Irish people came up with when they had to learn English and were forbidden from speaking Irish. If they couldn't think of the English word they wanted, they would say 'feck' instead. So, like, 'Can you pass me the... oh, the feck... the feckin'... would you pass the feck?' I don't think I believe him.

13) Gas. Means: funnny. 'Oh, that Eddie Izzard is such gas.' 'We went out last night and it was such gas.' Often said after someone has completed an amusing story. '...and then, we turned around and realised the car was still under the tree!' 'Ha ha ha ha.... gas.'

14) Kip. Means: a dump. 'Her house is a complete kip.' Also, confusingly, to take a nap. 'Even though her house was a complete kip, I had a little kip there.'

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