Monday, August 15, 2011

Shameless Self-Promotion

After all the excitement of my holidays, its been difficult to keep up with the blogging. It all seems a bit same-same here at the moment, like I've squeezed all the possible laughs from my situation and there's nothing left to write about.
But, I think I'm just being lazy. After all, last Friday I went to a local fashion show in Timoleague, and Saturday I spent all day in Kinsale. And Sunday all day in Cork. There are many things to write about these events, but I'm just not really in the mood.
Probably the reason is that I am currently working on a show that will be playing at the Melbourne Fringe (that's right, the one in Australia), and the Wexford Fringe (in Ireland). The conceit is that we have myself, an Australian performer living in Ireland, and an Irish performer living in Australia. We're writing and performing about our experiences moving to another country, migration, travel, that sort of thing. I perform in Ireland, interacting with a film of the Irish performer, and she performs in Australia, interacting with a film of myself. Anyway, its pretty exciting, as well as terrifying, and we have big plans, including introducing another performer from Alabama for next year. If you want to read more about it, you can read more of the following website:
Its been keeping me pretty busy since getting back from holidays, and all my writing efforts are directed towards the script at the moment, not leaving much time for blogging. Additionally, we haven't got a lot of support in Australia, so I'm doing a lot of the producing stuff via email. More than a little stressful, but I'm also pleased that we've gone through with it. I genuinely think its going to be an interesting show, even if it might be less than organised and hectic. Eh. You can't have it all, I suppose.

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