Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Oh, I Do Like to be Beside the Seaside...

View from the kitchen

Here is a little taster of where I am living for the next 3 months. I'm still in Kinsale, but in a little cottage, all on my own. I've been looking forward to this for the past 6 weeks, and have been planning for it. 'I'm going to re-read all the Harry Potters!' 'I'm not going to get out bed until midday!' 'I'm not going to leave the house for 3 days!' But I was still at a bit of a loss last night. 'What do I do? Its so quiet... there's nothing I have to do... I mean, there are things I could do... There are probably things I should do....' Clearly I'm not very good at relaxing.
But, I'm only giving myself a couple of weeks of relaxing. Then, its back to 'work'. I put it in inverted commas, as it is my work, but nobody is paying me for it. Plus, I enjoy it and its relaxing for me, compared to, say, doing administrative work or looking after children. Still, it is work. It would be easier, though less satisfying, to sit on the couch all day long and watch daytime TV. Or spend hours finding amusing memes on the internet. 

The view from my bedroom
 I feel like one of 2 things is going to happen with this blog. Either, I'll have nothing to write about all of a sudden, and you will no longer get updates. Or,  I'll have so little to do, that I'll be constantly updating you on absolutely everything. 'Oh, look at this picture of the leaves outside my window! They look slightly different than how they looked yesterday!' 'Here is a picture of my new slippers.' 'Today, I was walking along the footpath, and I thought, wow, what a strange word - footpath. Footpath. Foot - path. Its exactly what it describes, isn't it? Isn't that just magical? Isn't that just so special and beautiful? What other words exactly describe what they are? Lets list them... Umm... Well, first there's footpath...'

The view from the porch

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